Mystic Flowers
Love Eternal HB-4 Bouquet (Long Lasting Dry & Fresh Flower Bouquet)
Love Eternal HB-4 Bouquet (Long Lasting Dry & Fresh Flower Bouquet)
Mystic Flowers Love Eternal HB-4 Bouquet is aa florist designed long lasting bouquet of fresh and dry flower arrangement in antique look tin milk jug. This unique arrangement of fresh cut purple and lavender carnations, and Wax flowers combined with dry Lavender, Wheat, Yellow-Red Setaria, Euclyptus, and Blue Larkspur is sure to delight and bring lasting joy to the lucky recipient.
Fresh flowers are packed in water picks for longevity. Once the fresh flowers become wilted (after a week or two), wilted flowers can be removed and the dry flowers (which are semi permanent) can simply be left in the container to provide long lasting joy to the recipient (see photo C and D with the fresh flowers removed).
White Tin Milk Jug included (for decorative purpose) 10" tall (25.4cm)
Approximate Arrangement Size: 29" High x 24" Wide (74cm x 60cm)